Hidden Visuals blocking Print function not working in Dashboard mode

We are Embedded dashboards (GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser)where we have only print option we are trying to Print from the dashboard, I can do Export>Print>Go to Preview, but after that, the next Print option is disabled. I tried the same steps in the Analysis version and those work fine, and once i publish the dashboard It seems to be linked to having some of the visuals hidden by default in the Dashboard version

We found the issue where it is getting what i am doing

  • Created a couple of parameters then controls based on them.
  • Moved the controls to the sheet and adding Rules Sheet controls to Sheet controls based on the data I’m displaying.
  • While I can print in the analysis mode, the print option shows up as disabled once we publish a dashboard of it.
    This has been done using the Free-Form Layout format.
    Note: When i remove the Sheet controls Rules it is working fine.

Please advise.

Hi @bpradeepkumar
Thank you for sharing this. I will check if this is an expected behavior or a bug.


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Hi @n_vetri
Thanks for reply!

  • I Created 3 Custom parameters values Financial KPI’S and CRM KPI’S one more is Comparison find the screenshots below

Financial KPI’S screenshot

CRM KPI’S screenshot

Comparison screenshot

  • Moved the controls to the sheet and adding Rules Sheet controls to Sheet controls
  • Based on Comparison filter selection will display the values (Financial KPI’S are CRM KPI’S)
  • I have under Financial KPI’S Two visuals and under CRM KPI’S Two visuals used
  • Based Comparison filter selection when i click Financial KPI’S i applied Rules CRM KPI’S filter Plues Two visuals will be hidden, and when i click CRM KPI’S i applied Rules Financial KPI’S filter Plues Two visuals will be hidden
  • All 4 visuals we are Using calculated fields with parameters
  • While I can print in the analysis mode, the print option shows up as disabled once we publish a dashboard of it.
  • When i remove the “Comparison” control Rules it is working fine.
    Please advise.
