Hide some columns in the total rows of a table

Is it possible to hide some columns when displaying table totals?

Consider the following table as a basis.

date CountA CountB
2023-07-01 1 2
2023-07-02 1 2
2023-07-03 1 2

Displaying the total would be as follows.

date CountA CountB
2023-07-01 1 2
2023-07-02 1 2
2023-07-03 1 2
total 3 6

I want to not display total values for certain columns only.

date CountA CountB
2023-07-01 1 2
2023-07-02 1 2
2023-07-03 1 2
total 3 6

For example, hide only column B and expect the following.

date CountA CountB
2023-07-01 1 2
2023-07-02 1 2
2023-07-03 1 2
Total 3

Hi @ss49919201

currently you cannot enable/disable totals for select columns. There are new enhanced table and pivot capabilities coming out soon that get you closer to what you want. I can take this down as a feature-request

Hope it helps,

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Hallo @gillepa . Has this feature been developed in QS? I really need this too! Is there under schedule? I would appreciate an update :slight_smile:


please check out


Hi! @gillepa
Screenshot 2024-09-15 at 11.07.47 PM
. I wanted to know if totals can removed for ‘Actuals’ column and not for ‘Sub Score’. this is similar to the original request on this thread. Thanks!