Hide visual based on rule for selecting chart type

I am using conditional rules to hide a visual based on the selection made in a parameter. Using free form layout, I am overlapping two visuals so that the final user selects the type of chart they want to see.
Issue is that the hidden visual is not automatically sent to the back, and I am left with the hidden visual in the front:

Is there an action to send hidden visual to the back? or a different solution? thanks!


Hello @joana, is the screenshot above from the analysis view? For some reason this functionality in the analysis doesn’t work as expected, but once published to a dashboard it works great! When testing in the analysis version though, you will need to move them to the front and back to edit the visual that is populated with data.

I hope this helps!

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Hello, I am not sure if this is related but we are embedding a dashboard for our users and since yesterday all users can see the text “Hidden based on rule” in the viewer mode instead of blanks like usual. @DylanM
What do you recommend doing?

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Hello @doctor-margo, welcome to the QuickSight community!

If that is the case, it sounds like a bug to me. I would recommend filing a case with AWS Support where we can dive into the details to help you further. Here are the steps to open a support case. If your
company has someone who manages your AWS account, you might not have direct access to AWS
Support and will need to raise an internal ticket to your IT team or whomever manages your AWS account. They should be able to open an AWS Support case on your behalf. Hope this helps!

Also, @joana, if that is the case for you as well, I would recommend doing the same. I haven’t noticed this on my end in dashboards that are not embedded, so maybe it is specifically an embedded issue.