Hiding visuals in case "No Data" is available for the visual

I use several data sets in my analysis. Depending on several filters, one of the data sets is empty and the visuals based on this data sets show the message “No data. There was no data found for this visual”. This is all correct. But in that case, I simply want to hide the visuals.
I know how to hide this visual by default. I know that I need to create a rule depending on a parameter. But I don´t know how to set the parameter depending if the data set has data or not. It that possible? How would the solution look like?

Hi @Eva207 and welcome to the QuickSight community!
While there’s no direct way to set the visual to hide just based on a ‘No Data’, there may be a way to build a work around like you are suggesting.

  • What type of visual are you utilizing?
  • How many/what fields are you using in the visual?
  • What do you have setup (parameters, filters, etc.) that would cause the visual to show no data as opposed to showing data?

the visuals I want to hide are of the type “vertical stacked bar chart”.
On the x-axis, I show dates ordered in calendar weeks.
On the y-axis, I show how often my dimension the chart is grouped by occurs. I only show one value. Each visual is grouped by another dimension.
The three visuals depend on one data set.
I apply to all three visuals the same filter. I filter for a time range and a unit name.
All data sets used in the analysis, contain the data field with the time range and the data field with the “unit name”.
But in my case for the filtered “unit name” no data is available.

To test how to create a rule to hide and unhide these graphics, I added a parameter “ShowGrafics” with the values “yes”, “no”, which could be set by the users manually and configured a rule. And it worked. But I want the parameter values set automatically to no, if for the chosen “unit name” the data set contains no data and to “yes” if data is available. Is there any workaround for that?