Hiding visuals on free form

hey, guys.
I’m trying to use free form layout to creaate a filter with 5 options, when i select an option displays related visuals while hiding the rest.
However, the only way i’ve found to make this work is by stacking the visuals on top of each other. Is there a way to make a visual disappear and have the subsequent visuals move up to a specific point?
It seems challenging to edit if I have to stack all 5 groups of visuals on top of each other.

Hi @valey4rd - Welcome to the community. Thanks for the question.
Here is how you can show and hide visuals based on filter selection in QuickSight:

  1. Create a parameter with 5 options that correspond to your 5 filters. This will act as a control filter.
  2. Add this parameter as a control filter on your dashboard.
  3. For each visual, set rules to show or hide it based on the parameter value. For example, set a sales visual to show only when the “Sales” parameter value is selected.
  4. When you select a parameter value, only the related visuals will show, while unrelated visuals will hide automatically without needing to stack them. This allows the visuals to rearrange themselves automatically based on the parameter selection, rather than needing to stack all combinations on top of each other.
    Conditional rules in userguide is also helpful in understanding this. Does this help?
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