Highline specific value in table or donut

Hello there.

How can I highline only one specific value in the donut chart/ or any diagrams?
For example, I have specific field with different values, but I want to highline only one to provide exact % from the total of others values + hide others values to Others.


Thank you!

Hi @weird_guy,
So, ideally, you’d like to just see the top value based on your metric and then all others show up in the ‘other’ category?

For this, you can achieve in the format visual section. Just change your ‘Number of slices displayed’ to 1 and it will add everything but your top metric to the ‘other’ category.

To find the percent against total of others, you could try out this calculated field:

Let me know if you have any additional questions!


Hello @weird_guy !

If you want to highlight one specific value in a donut chart or any other diagram, in addition to what Brett mentioned you can also use field colors as shown in this documentation Working with field level coloring in Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight.

Additionally, if you want to highlight specific values in a table visual type, you can apply conditional formatting. I have attached some documentation that goes through how to apply conditional formatting step-by-step and in addition mentions the visual types conditional formatting is available on. Below, I have also added an example with screenshots on how to achieve this by using a table visual type using a sample dataset.

Conditional formatting documentation: Conditional formatting on visual types in QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight

From here select the first option of “Conditional formatting”. In Conditional formatting view, click Select a column, in this example I selected the “Discount” column. This should look like screenshots two and three.

Now select “Add background color” and you can specify and conditions I did the following:

To add multiple conditions select “+ add condition” which is found at the bottom.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions!


Hello @Brett @sabbahh
Thank you for your support.

@Brett Ive changed Number of slice to 1. Yes it works!
But how to change displayed specific metric? Id like to show specific reason compared to other

Thank you.

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Hi @weird_guy,
Unfortunately there are still limitations with pie and donut charts on what you can display by default. I would suggest potentially adding a tool tip that shows the metric you’re looking to bring more attention to. That way, when you scroll over each section, it will provide that comparison.

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Hello @weird_guy,

It’s been awhile since our last communication took place on this thread. Did you have any additional questions or concerns regarding your initial topic?