How can I change the order of numbers (representing hours) in the rows of a heat map


On the rows axis of the heat map a calculated field representing time of day extract('HH',StatusChangeTimestamp) and on the columns axis the date.

our business working hours start at around 9 AM, How can I reorder the rows to start from 9 ?

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Hi @Ali_B

I will raise product feature request to support custom sort order options for the heat map .
In the mean time could you please try the below approach of padding the time (HH) with white spaces since QuickSight will be trimming white space while displaying it in axis.

'9',' 9',
'10','  10',
'11','   11',
'12','    12',
'13','     13',
'14','      14',
'15','       15',
'16','        16',
'17','         17',
'18','          18',
'19','           19',
'20','            20',
'21','             21',
'22','              22',
'23','               23',
'0','                  0',
'1','                   1',
'2','                    2',
'3','                     3',
'4','                      4',
'5','                       5',
'6','                        6',
'7','                         7',
'8','                          8','')

And change the sort order to descending to get the visual started from 9AM as shown below.

Did my suggestion help you in resolving your query? If yes, would request you to mark the post as “Solution”.
This will help the community to find guidance and answers to similar question.

Could you please message me separately with AWS Account Id and your organization name details for me to create feature request.


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