How can I display dimension data in QuickSight instead of numeric data in a Line Chart

Hi Team, I need some guidance. I want to display dimension data instead of numeric data in a QuickSight line chart. Are there any ways to do that? Additionally, I need advice on how to plot the customer journey in QuickSight. Which chart type is best suited for visualizing the customer journey?
Thanks & Regards
Biswajit Dash

Hi @Biswajit_1993,
What type of dimension data are you working with and how do you envision it looking in a line chart?
Also, what is involved in the customer journey? The best visual option would depend on what’s being displayed with that journey; are there certain things you want focused on within it?
If you could include some more information about your data and desired outcomes, we can assist further.
If able to, uploading a sample analysis to the QuickSight Arena could be the easiest way!