I would like to draw a line chart with x-axis the number of locations and y-axis for the performance time. Do you have any idea how to achieve that? Very appreciate it!
We are looking for either a line/xy scatter chart with two line series (2022 and 2023) to compare the the performance trend on increasing locations or a bar chart with category x-axis to compare the different performance between 2022 and 2023 in a more direct way.
We do not aggregate the numbers cross the rows at this moment. Each test case is independent.
Thanks @David_Wong! This was I thought and I can successfully create a chart by pivoting the columns into rows. However I found one issue with line chart which marked the x-axis as category not values. Shown above in your reply, the x-axis is evenly divided between 1 and 5 and 50 and 100. I used to use a scatter with smooth line in Excel to make the x-axis as numbers and show the correct trend by increasing locations. Do you have an idea how to do it in QuickSight? I only see Scatter Plot and could not find where to add line to them.
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