How do I display simple row number for each row in quicksight table visual?
Just a column named “№” which represents the row number.
Or is there an option to create a calculated metric that can represents it with options:
The data for each column can be filtered, so, for example, if I do runningCount({column_1}, [{column_1} ASC]) formula, if some values are filtered it will show irrelevant numbers like 1,2,3, 6, …
Some time there can be a missed (null) value in dataset for each column.
The calculated metric also can be filtered through analysis filters (not only from dataset parameters).
The solution that you showed me is not fitting my case because of filters and also I do not have always date. Also, we should keep in mind that if we change the sorting, the row numbers will be shown in irrelevant order.
Maybe it is could be a simple improvement from QS? To pivot tables, table widgets add a setting to show row number column at the start.
Hi @Maksym2,
Since I’ve marked this as a feature request already and there has been no additional activity on this thread, I’ll go ahead and close out this post. However, if you have any additional questions, feel free to create a new post in the community.