How do you keep QuickSight organized?

I’m curious how you’re all using Groups, Shared/Private folders, and sharing resources across your teams. Any insight is helpful!

Can you see if the approach that I proposed here works for you?

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@David_Wong thanks for that. After reading through it I came up with the following approach:

This has been a big issue for us as well. We have a lot of duplicate data sources now and managing assets is a bit of a challenges when they’re creating datasets from identical redundant data sources.

What we’ve done so far is manage all Shared Folder access through Groups instead of individual users. We create a shared folder for specific business units (e.g. Operations, Finance, Marketing, etc) and inside of those create subfolders for Analyses, Datasets, and Dashboards. For now, this is while we’re building our reporting repository. Once we rolled this out to users we’ll organize shared folders into DEV, STG, and PROD. PROD will contain all production dashboards that are shared with End-Users. Access will be controlled entirely by Groups so Marketing will only see the relevant shared Marketing folder with the allowed datasets, analyses, and dashboards.

I’m still keen to see how other people handle this though.

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