How to achieve dynamic text in a dashboard/visual

We are working a customer to create a dashboard that will be used to export to PDF as a financial report/statement.

In the dashboard, there will be data visuals as well as text that needs to be dynamically formatted. The values should change based on 1 or 2 filters, but the format of the larger dashboard will stay the same as a template.

So far, we have been unable to successfully solve this. We were able to do something like this in our previous tooling but aren’t sure how to approach it in QuickSight.

Here’s an example of one section of the report:


Where the bold font wouldn’t change, but the value for those keys would. So for example, if we changed the filter, it would go from reading:

Sector: Health CareSector: Information Technology

I use foot notes on our dashboards using the Insight visual. You can embedd the parameter values into the insight visual and they will reflect your selected parameter control values without issues.

Here’s an example

Insight visual:

When you go to the Customize visual dialogue you can put your Parameter value along with static text

Hope this is what you were trying to do

Thank you for sharing! This is close to what we are looking for.

The only thing that’s different I think is that we want a filter to change all parameter values. So that the user only has to choose the appropriate value in the filter, and then all the parameters are set.

Do you know if it’s possible to configure or link 1 filter to multiple parameters?

hi @ajColaizzi

If the value is from the data you could populate the insight with values from the appropriate columns.

If what is to be displayed comes from the filter selection+ other logic, it should be possible combining method described by @Giridhar.Prabhu with various calculated fields. Based on the selection on the parameter, Calc field displays appropriate data. The on the Insight Display Calculated Field.

Ramon Lopez

Hi @ajColaizzi. Did this solution work for you? I am marking this reply as, “Solution,” but let us know if this is not resolved. Thanks for posting your questions on the QuickSight Community!

Hey @Xclipse - it’s close but not exactly what we need. In that scenario, we would still need multiple filters/controls because you can’t configure multiple parameters to a filter. Cascading filters get us close, but you still have to choose the value from the dropdown.

Our account rep connected us with a QS SA that has raised a ticket internally. They’re hoping to get other instances of users asking for this to prioritize it.

Hi @ajColaizzi – one workaround could be to incorporate the instructions directly into your dataset by joining the “main” fact table with an “instructions” dimension table. This might seem a bit stretched, but it’s effective because you can then display these instructions as tooltips.

At AWS, our roadmap is primarily driven by our customers. Your feedback helps us build a better service. I have tagged this as a feature request. Please keep an eye on the What’s New / Blog. You can set up a Watching Alert by clicking on the bell icon.

Thanks for the update @Xclipse. We will be keeping a keen eye out. Thank you!