How to add Amazon Connect call recording data to QuickSight?

Hi Community Member,

Need help on how to add Amazon Connect call recording data into QuickSight analysis.

Thanks & Regards
Biswajit Dash

Hello Biswajit,

You may need additional services in between to bring in the data to S3, athena etc.

Please see below blogs to get some idea as reference.

Hope this helps.


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Hi @Deep, Thanks for sharing the reference document.

We have all the Amazon Connect recordings stored in S3 bucket. Need to connect that S3 bucket into a QuickSight analysis. Then business will use this dashboard to view and download the recordings.

Like in Amazon connect we can see the recording based on contact id like that ways we can see the same thing in QuickSIght.

The query is how can I explore the recording file .WAV file into QuickSight datasets/analysis.

Thanks & Regards
Biswajit Dash

Hello Biswajit,

To be honest , i am not sure. However, I think you could leverage custom visual content and have the recording stored as video and use that. if the recording are stored in S3 then the bucket needs to be public which i guess you would not want.

Nevertheless , please Refer -Using custom visual content - Amazon QuickSight

may be it helps.

Hi @Deep,

Thank you for your detailed response. However, it is not possible to store all recordings in the custom visual content. Therefore, we have decided to exit from this solution and we are exploring other implementation options.

Thanks & Regards,
Biswajit Dash