How to ask question for the Learning Series session on Deep Dive on Embedding

Please tag your question with #qls-embedding to ask questions for this session.

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Thank you @shyamal for arranging the session. This is a very useful session and really some good insights and capabilities of embedded QuickSight. I have a scenario and looking forward some suggestion whether we can apply embedded QuickSight Analytics over here or not.

We developed our completely eco system in private VPC. and we have a planning to host create a static page which will be accessed internally and will host via route 53 as we have a private hosted zone. Now we can embedded the QuickSight Dashboard in this statics page. I am yet to do the POC e2e, before doing it need some feedback on this.

Tagging @Biswajit_1993 for his information as well.

Thanks to @AnwarAli @Neeraj @salim for awesome session today.

@Kristin - FYI, we had a good session today.

Regards - Sanjeeb