How to Automate Daily Updates for a SPICE Datasource which come from S3 in the New Version of QuickSight?


I’m looking for some help with Amazon QuickSight. In the previous version, I was able to schedule my datasource (originally from S3 which use SPICE) to update automatically every day. However, in the new version of QuickSight, I can’t seem to find this feature for new dataset that I created.

Could anyone guide me on where to find the option to schedule automatic daily updates for a datasource in the latest version of QuickSight? Any tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your help!

@MajidFa hi

Don’t you see Refresh tab when you select the dataset?

Could you please address me

@MajidFa That’s very strange.
Can you share screen recording/ screenshots of the process from starting? (When you click on create dataset)

I found it thanks a lot

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