How to calculate time spend on a particular tabs or page in QuickSight Dashboard!

Hi Team - We developed a dashboard with multiple tabs. Different readers are accessing the dashboards. Is it possible to calculate which users spend how much time in a particular tab or analysis? Any suggestions on this.

Regards - Sanjeeb


Hi Sanjeeb - QuickSight session level can be accessed through cloudtrail logs. With that one can easily tack number of visits, unique number of users and other metrics for the dashboard. Not sure if it has session start & end time, if it does it can solve your use case.

I have the same requirement.
Coud Trail doesn’t show the time spent in a particular tab in dashboard.

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Hi @boraades @kishore_ohal - First of all welcome to AWS QuickSight community and thanks for the suggestion. I believe Cloudtrail can only give the whether the user access to a particular dashboard or analysis or not. It will not give more details around it. I am not sure whether we can integrate any 3rd party with QuickSight for the same or not.

Hi @ErikG @DylanM @David_Wong - Any expert advise on this?

Regards - Sanjeeb

Hi @Sanjeeb2022,

I don’t think you can do this today. You can submit a feature request.

Thank you @David_Wong .

Hi @ErikG @duncan @DylanM - Can you please help us with this feature request.

Regards - Sanjeeb

Hello @Sanjeeb2022 !

I can mark this as a feature request for the Quicksight team!