How to create a tab for providing an option to generate pdf report of the dashboard with key insights?


I want to create a tab where users can subscribe to pdf report of the key insights from the dashboard. Something like the attached picture.

Kind regards

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Hello @prkgupta, so there are 2 main steps in order to accomplish this. First, you will want to make sure that paginated reporting has been enabled on your QuickSight account. It is an additional feature with QuickSight that costs more money to utilize, so it isn’t enabled by default. Then, to add it to the dashboard, you will create a new sheet on the analysis level and select the paginated reporting option rather than your standard dashboard sheet. You are able to build out the report from there, then you just need to republish the dashboard.

I will provide some documentation below on this feature, and mark this as the solution. Let me know if you have any remaining questions, and I will be happy to assist!

Main documentation:

