How to custom format a date to show the time zone

Note that this is not related to converting the time zone (I have found that function under Sheets → Layout Settings)

I am trying to use the Format Data → Custom option to format a date field in a table.

Perferred solution: I want to show either as a Zone name (z, which could be displayed as “PST”) or as a Zone Id (ZZZ, which could be displayed as “America/Los_Angeles”).

The QuickSight docs claim that it supports Joda formats; however I am only seeing Z and ZZ supported (-0400, and -04:00, respectively).

As a workaround, I am happy to put in a string in the Custom formatter, like “Jan 1, 2024 12:00am PST”, however as you can see in the image, the S is converted. I have tried escaping with ```,' , and " to no avail.

Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 10.33.32 AM

Can someone help me with this please?

Thank you!

Hello @bhamplify,

For the workarround, you can escape any character with ‘\’


About the actual timezone, I think it should show up with ‘z’ but I do not see this working, although it does not show the lowercase ‘z’ either so I think there is something going on here. I will check with the ST to see what is the expected behaviour.


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