How to delete/re-create namespace once I got RETRYABLE_FAILURE error

Hi, I’m working on embedding dashboard into our app. While I’m making server side logic to manage quicksight resources, I faced this issue. Please give me a clue to resolve issue.

  1. delete a namespace without ds:* permission. (Called API via ECS task)
  2. describe the response that says RETRYABLE_FAILUE

“Status”: 200,
“Namespace”: {
“Name”: “team_25731a70-4808-4d14-8a4a-3ca9cfe13949”,
“Arn”: “arn:aws:quicksight:ap-northeast-1:999999999999:namespace/team_25731a70-4808-4d14-8a4a-3ca9cfe13949”,
“CapacityRegion”: “ap-northeast-1”,
“CreationStatus”: “RETRYABLE_FAILURE”,
“IdentityStore”: “QUICKSIGHT”,
“NamespaceError”: {
“Message”: “You do not have permission to perform ds:UnauthorizeApplication in your IAM policy. Please ensure that you have ds:Unauthoriz
eApplication, ds:DeleteDirectory, ds:DescribeDirectories in your IAM policy and call DeleteNamespace. If you would like to recreate the namespace after deleting, ensure you also have ds:AuthorizeApplication, ds:CreateIdentityPoolDirectory in your IAM policy and try again.”
“RequestId”: “919f275c-991a-4922-be58-5d5d45a5474b”

  1. Try to delete it via local using Admin permission. But it says not found error.

% aws quicksight delete-namespace --aws-account-id 999999999999 --namespace=team_25731a70-4808-4d14-8a4a-3ca9cfe13949

An error occurred (ResourceNotFoundException) when calling the DeleteNamespace operation: Account 999999999999 is not signed up with QuickSight with namespace team_25731a70-4808-4d14-8a4a-3ca9cfe13949. AWS account ID: 999999999999, Namespace: team_25731a70-4808-4d14-8a4a-3ca9cfe13949.

  1. But I can see it exists with list-namespaces command via local using Admin permission.

% aws quicksight list-namespaces --aws-account-id 99999999999
“Namespaces”: [
“Name”: “team_25731a70-4808-4d14-8a4a-3ca9cfe13949”,
“Arn”: “arn:aws:quicksight:ap-northeast-1:99999999999:namespace/team_25731a70-4808-4d14-8a4a-3ca9cfe13949”,
“CapacityRegion”: “ap-northeast-1”,
“CreationStatus”: “RETRYABLE_FAILURE”,
“IdentityStore”: “QUICKSIGHT”,
“NamespaceError”: {
“Message”: “You do not have permission to perform ds:UnauthorizeApplication in your IAM policy. Please ensure that you have ds:Unauth
orizeApplication, ds:DeleteDirectory, ds:DescribeDirectories in your IAM policy and call DeleteNamespace. If you would like to recreate the namespace after deleting, ensure you also have ds:AuthorizeApplication, ds:CreateIdentityPoolDirectory in your IAM policy and try again.”

How can I delete this namespace?
Plus, same thing happens on creation. I tried to create namespace and it failed due to permission error. I updated permission then called create API. Creation failed due to resource exists exception.

Aws::QuickSight::Errors::ResourceExistsException: The resource arn:aws:quicksight:ap-northeast-1:999999999999:namespace/company_3b9d3a4e-8043-4026-8e33-f44d925c5d8d already exists or is being deleted.
from /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/aws-sdk-core-3.185.0/lib/seahorse/client/plugins/raise_response_errors.rb:17:in `call’

From the last message, I can see the Namespace’s CreationStatus is “RETRYABLE_FAILURE”, this means the namespace was not able to create successfully. Therefore, it shows error when you are trying to delete.

Regarding the last question about namespace company_3b9d3a4e-8043-4026-8e33-f44d925c5d8d, can you list name space to see the status of it? If it shows “Created”, then you need to delete it before create again

Ref: CreateNamespace - Amazon QuickSight

Thanks for your comment.

Yes, I confirmed that creation status was RETRAYABLE_FAILUE. So I tried to call create API again with Admin permission. Then I got ResourceExistsException. Now I cannot re-create/delete this namespace.

I’m asking the AWS support team too. I’ll update you if I get something new.

I got AWS support team help and could re-create namespaces. I don’t know what the cause was, but support team says I need to ask them if I face same error again. I want the QuickSight team to fix API to prevent this issue.