How to embed visual while also filtering for dimension based on a URL?

I would like to embed a visual into our app/website, but only show data filtered by a certain dimension.

For example, let’s say I want to embed a dashboard onto a customer’s page (customer #1234), and the URL for their page is “{my company’s URL}/customer/1234.” On the dashboard, I only want to show data for customer #1234, NOT all our data. How can I embed one of our QuickSight dashboards that only shows customer #1234’s data on customer #1234’s page?

Hi @michaelkhosrofian,
I believe the easiest way to achieve this would be by creating a parameter for Customer/Customer ID. You can then include your parameter in the URL (included an article below that explores this a bit more).

Let me know if you have any additional questions or if this helps for your case!

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