How to Exclude specific dates

Hello Team,

In my dataset, I have a date column named ‘Completed date.’ From this date, we need to calculate an SLA deadline using the following formula:

SLA = Completed date + 10 Business days (excluding weekends and holidays)

We can exclude weekends using the networkdays function, the challenge lies in excluding holidays. Can someone assist me with achieving this?

Ex: Need to exclude the below dates



Any suggestions would be greatly helpful, Thank you!

Hello @tdr_Dinesh did you try to add a flag for those and excluding them with an ifelse in the calculation? cheers Fra

Not sure this is possible as you need to iterate over the lists of values.

Do you have the abilitity to manipulate the data before it’s added to quicksight?

You could achieve this with python

@Franc3sc0 @Ted ,

Thanks for the prompt response, I will look into the possibilities to manipulate the data before it’s added to Quick sight.

Thank you!