How to format total value of stacked bar chart?

Hi again :slight_smile:

How to format the total so that it is 100% and not 100.0%, without having to change the formatting of the values ​​within each stack of the graph?

Hey July,
I’m not sure how you got the total but you can change the decimal under formatting option:

and then here:



Hi @robert.eibers

If I format it without a decimal place, the account does not add up to 100%, if I format it with 1 or 2 decimal places, 100% becomes 100.00%





In the screenshot it does ad up to 100% if you don’t use decimals. Does it happen in other fields?

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Hi Robert,

Each category I would like to see with decimal places, ex: 24.59%
And the total would like to see 100%, not 100.00%

@July ,

The formatting would remain the same across all the values. In this scenario , if the values include decimal places, then the total will display decimal places.