How to get the latest value to be shown on Gauge chart?

I have imported dataset into quicksight and have 2 columns . DateTime and A.
I want to show a gauge chart comparing the latest value of A(using Date time) compared to last 30 days of A.

When I use lastValue then I get the error “Table calculation attribute missing”

How can I show that?

Here is the formula I am using:

    [DateTime DESC]

Hi @ankit4aug ,

Welcome to the QuickSight Community!!

I think you can try breaking down the formula into subsequent steps.

Step1 : calculate latest date using maxOver(Datetime,,pre_agg)
step 2 : return measure for latest date
ifelse(datetime=maxdate, measure, null)
step 3: similarly calculate last 30 days number
ifelse(datetime=last30th day, measure, null)

Use in Gauge chart as needed. Check if this works out!


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