How to make a date filter when some of those fields are null?

Hi guys,

I have a table with three date fields. Those date are not equals.
Some of those rows, those fields are null.
I must have a filter by date, but it is not works when the field is null.
How to make a filter that it works for those dates, even that some of those rows are null?

I need to do it because I need to make a calculated field “Day over Day” and “Month over Month”

Ex: periodOverPeriodPercentDifference(distinct_count({id_customer}), {date_pp}, DAY, 1)

Filter: date_pp

The ‘date_pp’ field is null in of most the rows.


Hi @July
whats the difference between the date columns?
Could you merge the columns into a extra column? like



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In fact, there are three related tables, and each date has its value, they are not the same between them.
When I filter by the date of the third table that is most important to me, the two join tables that have this null field do not appear

How is the definition of the join? (left/right/inner/full)?

Your tables look like that?

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Yes, exactly!

By left join

So you will only get the left values

What if changing to full?

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I think if I change to full join, I may have some problems.

By the way, Do I need to put the date column in the join? I have other columns in the join…

you said the dates have different meanings, so i would say no.

Is there a way to make a calculated field that, if it doesn’t have the filter date, brings a ‘secondary’ date?

as mentioned before
new_date =

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The calculated field does not work.
The sintaxe is wrong :frowning:

pls share your definition


dat_c : table1
dat_s: table 2
dat_sg: table 3 … relevant date

Cup | dat_c| sim | dat_s | pro | dat_seg | cli
123 | 10/10/2023 | null | null | null | null | 999
221 | 05/01/2023 | 444 | 23/01/2023 | null | null | 111
908 | 10/10/2023 | 2 | 11/10/2023 | 2220 | 12/11/2023 | 56




Cool, it looks like working, but does not work when I add the Day Over Day field.

new_date = ifelse(isNotNull({dat_c}),{dat_c},isNotNull({dat_s}),{dat_s},isNotNull({dat_sg}),{dat_sg},NULL)


Hi @July,
Any error message?

I don’t know why, but something was updated and started working

Thank sou much!

This command says:
Bring the first non-null date, correct?

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