How to migrate dashboard between AWS accounts?

Hi All,

I have a dashboard in an AWS account and I need to migrate the dashboard to another account.

It is possible?


Hi July … Yes, it is possible. Please take a look:
Migrate Amazon QuickSight across AWS accounts | AWS Big Data Blog

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Hi @July - you can also review the asset bundle APIs, which can be used to export and import QuickSight assets - dashboards, analyses, datasets including ingestion schedules, data sources, themes, and VPC configurations—across accounts and environments. Please refer to this blog post. Thanks!


Here is the developer guide for asset bundle operations.


Hi @July - Did this solution work for you? I am marking this reply as, “Solution,” but let us know if this is not resolved. Thanks for posting your questions on the QuickSight Community!

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Hi @July … if you don’t have the time or desire to code with the AWS CLI or API, an alternative is to use OverSight for Amazon QuickSight which was designed specifically to move QS objects (Datasets, Analysis, Dashboards) across AWS accounts in MINUTES!


$6K USD per year seems steep.

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Hi @gdiwx could you please explain what is the process for migrating QS objects using OverSight. Any document or resource would be helpful!