How to only show the last cell of a table of a period-to-date running average (without changing the time filter)?

I’m trying to show the period-to-date running average of an aggregated measure over the last 6 weeks.

How can I only show today’s value in this table? I can’t restrict the time filter to less than 6 weeks, because I need the running average computed over the entire 6 weeks. But I only want to show the period-to-date running average of the current day. I don’t want to actually show the data for the last 6 weeks, only use it for computation for today’s value.

Hey @oconnellpatrickc ,

you could build this with a parameter. Something like ifelse(max(date)=(date parameter with now), your period-to-date running average, NULL). This would only work wiith daily data, if its not daily we would need a different parameter. I could try to build something in Arena but it would take some days for me.
Maybe you could try it first and then report and we will look from there.
