I’m promoting QS dashboard from Account A to Account B.
I did it successfully without using the ‘asset as bundle’ function but now I’d like to try that out.
Upon exporting the dashboard and its dependencies ( theme, analysis, dataset,datasource) , I know I need to override some parameters esp. Arns.
[type or paste code here](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/quicksight/start-asset-bundle-import-job.html)
But, the API doc shows only datasource has some detail parameters. For example, I am able to override manifest file location for s3 datasource.
Now, for Dashboard, it looks like I need to update themeArn, datasetArns. see below example.
However above Api doc doesn’t show I can override those as it only support id and name for overriding.
The same concern goes to Dataset.
I need to override dataSourceArn as it currently has sourceAccountId. I need to replace it with targetAccountId. But, I don’t know how I can do this.
Before I was updating these myself but I wonder if these can be done automatically when I use import-job.
any idea?