How to re-create the QS gallery with filter-on-click affected text boxes

Hi all,

I’m supporting someone who’s trying to re-create this dashboard, in particular the ‘Operational Dashboard’ sheet, that QS have published in their gallery. Basically there’s a table on the left, users can click a row within the table and it filters a series of visuals on the right which each display a relevant piece of text data.

I understand that the filter-on-click will be setup using an Action, however I’m not sure how to create the boxes (e.g. Job Role) on the right. They’re returning text so I had assumed insight, but I can’t figure out kind of calculation to use to set these up.

Any ideas? Or, gold standard, does anyone know where I can find the analysis file that sits behind this example?

Hi @aecoaker
may best guess is that fields are also a table or maybe a word cloud.

Hello @aecoaker, from what I can tell, it seems like it the grey boxes seem like they may be some kind of custom visual content where they are bringing in a blank grey image to add the border radius on the box. Then, they probably use something like a KPI or a text box inside of it to return a value based on a filter or parameter. You should be able to look into some of these customizable options a bit further within Demo Central:

I have been able to get a lot of ideas digging through dashboards here and looking down at the analysis level. I hope this helps!