How to remove count column from a pivot table chart

Dear Community,
I want a view of a pivot table but I don’t want to see the count column in my view. So is there any way how do I remove the count column?
PFA the view of my analysis.

I think its not possible to remove the column.
But I think you could use conditional formatting to make the font color the same as the background color, so you dont see the values. Or use a column, that has no values as a placeholder.

You can insert a space as the metric name, so it does not appear in the header.

Hello i’m having the same issue and i’m not able to use conditional formatting for the field can you please help me.

you need to add a column in the pivot table, in this case, I have chosen “Sales”
Then choose “conditional formatting”.

And define the text and background color to be the same such as white or grey

Rename the sales column with space

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