How to set the permissions to Dataset/Datasource for all the Quicksight registered users


Can someone suggest how to set the permissions to Dataset/Datasource for all registered users. So that who ever registered to Quicksight, all can see the dataset from quicksight console. Currently we are able to give permissions to permissions to individual user but not to all users who all registered.

Below is the code
Permissions: [
Actions: [
Principal: ‘USER_ARN’,

USER_ARN : arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:${local.account_id}:user/default/qs_author/

Above one is to set the permission for individual users. For individual user it is working fine and able to see the dataset in Quicksight console.

USER_ARN : arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:${local.account_id}:namespace/default

Above one is to set the permission at namespace level. This is throwing InvalidParameterValueException - Malformed principal.

USER_ARN :arn:aws:iam::${local.account_id}:root

Above one is to set the permission at root level. This is throwing InvalidParameterValueException - only QuickSight principals are supported at this point.


You can create a default group for all authors in the account and add that group to the permissions.


Thank you for responding.
I have tried with giving permissions to the group and it worked.