How to translate visual titles,filter names from en to selected language?

Hi Team,
We have a requirement to show the dashboard visual titles, filter names, insights content to the user in selected language irrespective of widget content, is there any way to do so?


there is a blogpost from Francesco Marelli about multilingual dashboards.

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I had read this one, in this we are translating data not the visual titles and filter names, we only the translated titles,filter names,insight content if it has static text in en,the data from data set will be in en.

My requirement is similar to this post
I have a requirement to translate our Quicksight dashboard.

We are currently configured a “language” parameter which contains the language user desired to see the dashboard in. We are using this parameter to filter the data in our data set which has rows for each available language. This works well for the data display in our visuals on the dashboard.

The problem I have is regarding the titles and labels on the visuals. I’d like these to be updated depending on the language parameter as well. I’ve found you can template the title, i.e., <<$language>> to include the parameter, but I can’t find anyway to “lookup” the desired value using the parameter as a key.

I’ve looked at calculated fields which can be determined using parameters, but unfortunately you can’t template titles/labels with them.

The only option I’ve considered at this point is having to duplicate the dashboard in every single language supported and then routing the users to the correct dashboard.

Does anyone else have any other ideas?

Hi @gillepa,
can you please help on this question?

Hi @Schruti -

I would try a couple of things. Not sure which one is better for your use case as it depends on how easy/hard it is for you to modify the data set and redesign the visuals:

  1. restructure your data set to show different COLUMNS per language, instead of different rows. The column names should be the ones you want to display in the visuals. Then create a Parameter that uses Dynamic Default Values. More info here:
    Creating parameter defaults in Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight
    It might work with a little bit of creativity

  2. Rearrange your dataset to show different languages as Columns (not Rows).
    a. Each Column should have the desired name (for French, the column name should be in French). For example, if you have Sales Revenue as a column, create another column for French "Chiffre d’Affaires’…
    a. Create a Parameter SelectLanguage as string with Default value of “Sales Revenue”. This is the name of the column with English title for English readers
    b. Create a calculated field that references the parameter.
    Calculated Field:
    Parameter = ‘English’, “Sales Revenue”,
    Parameter = ‘French’, ‘Chiffre d’Affaires’,
    Parameter = ‘Hindu’, etc.
    c. Add the parameter to visual and edit it to add a dropdown where you add additional values: English, French, Hindu etc.
    d. add the calculated field to the visual as a column
    e. edit the visual and go to Group-by Column Names
    f. where you see the Calculated Field’s name click on the 3 hotizontal lines and make sure you select the parameter as the value for that field

Let us know if any of this suggestions work for you,

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@gillepa Thank you for your help.
I’m facing the same problem as the original questioner and please let me confirm one point about the above answer.

In the Calculated Field section of 2.b, if the parameter set in 2.a defaults to ‘Sales Revenue’, then the Calculated Field should be as follows, is this correct?

Calculated Field:
SelectLanguage = ‘Sales Revenue’, “Sales Revenue”,
SelectLanguage= ‘Chiffre d’Affaires’, ‘Chiffre d’Affaires’,

Is it correct that the SelectLanguage should be header name[‘Sales Revenue’, ‘Chiffre d’Affaires’,…] instead of language name [‘English’, ‘French’, …]?

Hi @bani24884 -

The parameter SelectLanguage is just that, a parameter, which means that you can assign any string values to it. To make it user-friendly, I would use ‘English’, ‘French’, ‘Romanian’ (or any other language) as values for the string parameter ‘Selectlanguage’.

So when someone selects ‘English’ as the parameter value, the calculated field returns the (revenue) column that has the header in English (‘Sales Revenue’). When the user selects “Romanian” as the parameter value, the calculated field returns the (revenue) column that has the header in Romanian (‘Venit de vanzari’).

So the calculated field should be:
Calculated Field:
SelectLanguage = ‘English’, “Sales Revenue”,
SelectLanguage= ‘French’, ‘Chiffre d’Affaires’,
SelectLanguage= ‘Romanian’, ‘Venit de Vanzari’,

Of course, this only works if you already have the columns “Sales Revenue”, “Chiffre d’Affaires”, “Venit de Vanzari”…
in your dataset.

Hope it helps,

@gillepa Can we translate the chart title, subtitle, legend and set it based on the selected language? (provided the selected language is a form control)

Hi @Shruthi! were you able to resolve this with the proposed solution #1 from @gillepa?

Hello @tonyawad and @gillepa,

Have you found a solution to your problem? I am currently facing a similar issue where I need to translate various text elements such as Graph Title, Header Columns, Axis Title, and Legend Title. Is it possible to use parameters to translate these types of text?

Hi @gillepa and @tonyawad , +1 on the translation feasibility of Axis, Legends and Filter DropDowns. Is this possible through parameters ?