I have a parameter to switch between two field - sample size & z-score. I want the functionality to switch the parameter and the crosstab view should rank according to selection.
sample size is calculated field - distinct_count({id})
z-score is a calculated field consisting of avgOver & stdevOver…
both calc field works fine individually and provides the correct output, so nothing on that end.
But when trying to use rank(z-score) or rank(sample_size) I get error
Expression rank({Z-Score}) for function rank has incorrect argument type rank(Decimal). Function syntax expects Non-empty List, List, Calculation Level
Non-empty List, List
Expression rank({sample_size}) for function rank has incorrect argument type rank(Number). Function syntax expects Non-empty List, List, Calculation Level
Non-empty List, List
Thank you so much for providing the solution… I had one follow-up question… How can I sort using the rank calc field?
In the screenshot attached you’d see that rank 1,5,6,7,34,50 are clubbed together and then 2, 3, 4 comes… but in true sense I need 1,2,3,4,5…