How to visualize the division of two running sums

I have created two running sums - which don’t use the same date value column, as the reference; however both are set to “DD” in aggregation.
Let’s name them RS1 and RS2

  1. Now, I want to depict %RS1 by a certain date column in the data by Day as a line trend.
    where %RS1 = RS1/RS2
  2. On trying point 1, Quicksight gives the following error:

What to be done in the circumstance?


Table attribute calculation reference(s) are missing in the field walls<<<<

region: ap-south-1
timestamp: 1671537477189
requestId: a0d7b6a5-0a58-4013-9ff5-2c0eaf841feb
sourceType: SPICE

Hello @sreyesh - Since both of your measures (i.e. Running Sums) are based out of different dates and you are trying to put them same context by plotting them in the same line chart which shares the date related X -axis, I believe you should go for a Date Dimension in this case.

Something like : Date Dim Left Outer Join Fact Table (based on first date column) Left Outer Join Fact Table (based on the second date column). That should give you the right dataset to work with. You can then plot the DateDimension sourced date on the X Axis and the 2 measures as Lines. Hope this helps!