How to write Pivot Table "DataPathOptions" in the update-analysis definition input to set column width programmatically

I would like to understand how to write Pivot Table “DataPathOptions” in the update-analysis definition input to set column width programmatically.

“AnalysisId”: “70a9ad0a-d9d1-4e43-83f3-b4dd1c00d9c5”

I tried the below options, but the columns width don’t reflect the defined width after running the update-analysis cli command.

“FieldOptions”: {
“SelectedFieldOptions”: [
“FieldId”: “d645b433-992e-4b4c-a217-bfcd81a5db53.service_group.2.1680562172770”,
“Visibility”: “VISIBLE”
“FieldId”: “d645b433-992e-4b4c-a217-bfcd81a5db53.service_name.3.1680562173492”,
“Visibility”: “VISIBLE”
“FieldId”: “29189dd4-6ed4-424d-bf47-4db8b6fbaa95.2.1680562314801”,
“Visibility”: “VISIBLE”
“FieldId”: “5c891d90-d450-4361-a912-e96d3c54e0e9.3.1680562315325”,
“Visibility”: “VISIBLE”
“DataPathOptions”: [
“DataPathList”: [
“FieldId”: “d645b433-992e-4b4c-a217-bfcd81a5db53.service_group.2.1680562172770”,
“FieldValue”: “service_group”
“Width”: “250px”
“DataPathList”: [
“FieldId”: “d645b433-992e-4b4c-a217-bfcd81a5db53.service_name.3.1680562173492”,
“FieldValue”: “service_name”
“Width”: “200px”
“DataPathList”: [
“FieldId”: “29189dd4-6ed4-424d-bf47-4db8b6fbaa95.2.1680562314801”,
“FieldValue”: “0 CY LW Actual”
“Width”: “190px”
“DataPathList”: [
“FieldId”: “5c891d90-d450-4361-a912-e96d3c54e0e9.3.1680562315325”,
“FieldValue”: “0 CY CW Actual”
“Width”: “90px”

I’ve been playing around with changing the width on my analysis and then describing it and I can’t seem to generate the DataPathOptions.

Have you generated them?

Also do you get any errors when creating the analysis or is it working to generate the analysis just not setting the values differently?

What I did is:
1 - Change the column width manually
2 - Used cli command to create a template using the analysis info in the source-entity.
3 - Used cli command to describe template definition
4 - Adjusted the definition output with what I described above
5 - Used cli command to update-analysis using the adjusted definition

I don’t get an error, the update-analysis command succeeds, but the column widths don’t change accordingly. it is not setting the values differently.
I think I might not be adding the columns ins the right order, or some width ranges I can’t extrapolate… not sure…

I would recommend filing a case with AWS Support where we can dive into the details so that we can help you further. Here are the steps to open a support case. If your company has someone who manages your AWS account, you might not have direct access to AWS Support and will need to raise an internal ticket to your IT team or whomever manages your AWS account. They should be able to open an AWS Support case on your behalf. Hope this helps!