Http urls in Actions, Tables

HI Team,

  1. can we pls allow parameter urls in view Action

  1. Table → Field styling → http web links . we need it specially when we are running a dashboard embed app in local host

Now in my Edit Operator column links are showing as strings and not clickable

@Max @Ashok @DylanM

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Hello @mukeshusc2018, in regards to your first question, you can utilize the parameter for a URL action but instead of using the whole link in the URL remove the beginning of it https://, then add that part into the URL action. I’ll post a screenshot.

As for the 2nd question, I can mark that as a feature request. Since http links are not secure, I am unsure if this is something that will be considered, but I can tag it for our support team just in case. I would suggest to look for an alternate option that would contain an https link if this functionality is time sensitive.

Let me know if this helps, thank you!

2nd case helps us in local env where we have a lot of embedded dashboards and other html (Django views)

localhost links wouldn’t work and navigate to intendent url

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Hello @mukeshusc2018, since that is the case, I have tagged this topic as a feature request. I will archive it for our support team. Thank you!