I am unable to delete my QuickSight account

I cannot delete my QuickSight account.

I am the creator of the QuickSight account and an IAM user (admin).
The reason you can’t delete it is because you can’t turn off termination protection for your account.
I checked the AWS docs.

Do you know the reason?

Hi @saitou.h

Does your IAM Admin user have any ‘Deny’ permission? specifically or QuickSight?
Can you share a screenshot of errors (if any) when trying to terminate your QuickSight account?


Hi @saitou.h!
Checking in! We have not heard back from you in regards to your question. Did you resolve your issue? If not, we’d still like to help. If we do not hear back in the next 7 days, we will archive this question.

IAM admin user didn’t have “deny” permission.

I also tried deleting from the CLI, but it displayed an error. The following sentence is the error at that time.

Since the QuickSight account was created in the Singapore region, when I followed the execution procedure added from the Singapore region,

$ aws quicksight update-account-settings --aws-account-id {aws-id} --default-namespace default --no-termination-protection-enabled

An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the DescribeAccountSettings operation: Operation is being called from endpoint ap-southeast-1, but your identity region is ap-northeast-1. Please use the ap-northeast-1 endpoint.

I got an error saying, so when I tried to delete it from the Tokyo region,

$ aws quicksight update-account-settings --aws-account-id {aws-id} --default-namespace default --no-termination-protection-enabled

An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the UpdateAccountSettings operation: Operation is being called from endpoint ap-northeast-1, but your identity region is ap-southeast-1. Please use the ap-southeast-1 endpoint.

When I tried to delete it from the Northern Virginia region,

$ aws quicksight update-account-settings --aws-account-id {aws-id} --default-namespace default --no-termination-protection-enabled

An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the UpdateAccountSettings operation: Operation is being called from endpoint us-east-1, but your identity region is ap-southeast-1. Please use the ap-southeast-1 endpoint.

I haven’t been able to solve the problem yet, but thanks to the quicksight team.
Thank you for your continued support.

Best Regards

Hi @saitou.h-
If you aren’t the root admin user (IAM ) who added QuickSight), can you please verify you have these permissions?


Hi Kellie Burton

I tested your proposed policy in a simulator.
All the results were allowed.

This matter has also been investigated via AWS support,
Not resolved yet.

I’ve had this issue in the past and in my case the solution to do this operation from the AWS root account.