I need help in calculating WOW

Hi, I am trying to calculate WOW in QuickSight, However I do not have dates instead I have year_week. for example year_week - 202410 here first 4 numbers are year (2024) and last 2 numbers are week(10).

I have set of Categories in Rows and Year_week in column. Below is the format:

Category 202408 202409 202410 202411 WOW
A 11 40 84 32 -0.619047619
B 17 29 15 77 4.133333333
C 73 66 34 27 -0.205882353
D 60 66 66 22 -0.666666667

The formula I have used in excel to calculate WOW is (F4-E4)/E4.
When I try to use any periodoverperiod function I am getting error as I dont have actual dates in my dataset.

Requesting to help on this asap.


This may help you :slight_smile:

Naveed Ali