I want to create document-style report in QuickSight without using paginated reports

I want to create document-style report in QuickSight without using paginated reports

Hello @murali, welcome to the QuickSight community!

If you want a sheet that can be emailed as a PDF document in QuickSight, you will need the upgrade for paginated reports. Otherwise, your only option is to format a single sheet of a dashboard like a document. It will still only be viewable as a dashboard in QuickSight though and can’t be shared the same way with other users via email.

Alternatively, you could create a data story using the new QuickSight Q features.

It is more similar to a PowerPoint format, but it could provide some of the formatting options you are looking for.

So I cant create document format type report in quicksight without paginated reports forget about sharing but when I tried to create reports like a single page document I am unable to drag the column into text field and also when adding calculated fields most functions are not working getting error but a very few functions are working like {columnname} trim({columnmame}) I checked the datatypes in dataset field they look good like string or date any idea why this strange behaviour

I also tried TO_UPPER(“test”) then also I am getting errors

Hello @murali, unfortunately, dataset fields and calculated fields cannot be used in a textbox visual. You can only utilize text and parameters in those visuals.

As for the calculations, it seems like you are using improper syntax for the calculated fields. Rather than using TO_UPPER, you will need to use toUpper. I linked the documentation. You can also view the documentation for other aggregations in QuickSight to find the proper syntax for each function.

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Thanks Dylan, you are right toUpper worked, my bad I just used the functions displayed in the calculated field but I believe those are not right, from now on I will follow the documentation.
If I upgrade to paginated report can I build word document type dashboard so that the data will not be any tabular format or visual format rather all it will be in the form of document type and also I should not manually give the inputs values it should take from my existing data.