I want to exclude weekend days from my formula


This is my calculated field (ResolvedDate-CreateDate). I want to exclude my weekend data from this. I have used “Networkdays” formula but which is give me a round value like 2,3…etc but I want the exact value like 2.34, 3.56…etc.

Note: Both CreateDate and ResolveDate have date with time Ex: 3/13/2024 9:54:43 AM

Please help me on this

Hi @hripraa
How exactly do your calculated fields look like?

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Hi @ErikG ,

Exact calculated field is “ResolvedDate-CreateDate”, which give me exact cycle days like if solved the SIM in 1 and half days then it will give “1.5” as answer but in this calculation weekends are also included. I want to exclude the weekends.

Hi @ErikG

Please help me on this

HI @hripraa
as you already said networkdays is only giving full days.
Maybe you need to combine the calculation.

Amount of time ResolvedDate until next day (if workday) + networkdays(ResolvedDate+1,CreateDate-1) + Amount of time CreateDate to pre day (if workday)


Hi @ErikG

Could you pls give me example?

I’m bit confused here. Pls guide what exactly I need to do ?

Hi @hripraa

i tried to create a sample within Excel


  1. Calculate the days started and the hours (if workday and > 12h then 0,5):
  2. Calculate the full working days (day after createdate and day before resolveddate)
  3. sum