IAM Identity Center Integration: 2024 Amazon QuickSight Learning Series

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs_P2Ix25NI

Amazon QuickSight is now enabled as an application with IAM Identity Center. Attend this session to see how you can administrate QuickSight accounts and have a seamless sign-in experience for your QuickSight users.


Amazon QuickSight Learning Series is a weekly webinar where QuickSight users will learn about product functionalities, new feature launches, best practices and deep-dives to improve their user experience and gain technical knowledge.


Get started with IAM Identity Center -

Configure your Amazon QuickSight account with IAM Identity Center -

IAM Identity Center Integration blog -

Tutorial on creating and configuring and AWS Organization

Learn QuickSIght: QuickSight: Getting Started - Amazon QuickSight Community
Demos: https://democentral.learnquicksight.online/
Community: https://community.amazonquicksight.com/