IdentityType Quicksight = false

We are facing an issue to use the features from quicksight while using dataall platform as seems that the identityType of QuickSight created by dataall is active = false.

The question is, how can we change the active to be equals to True?

See screen capture below

Based on the documentation here is an active user.

Active → (boolean)

The active status of user. When you create an Amazon QuickSight user that’s not an IAM user or an Active Directory user, that user is inactive until they sign in and provide a password.


Thanks Max but since the user is created automatically via Dataall, the ask is: How do I activate those users? Do we have an API or a link that users can click to activate their account?

Are you embedding the dashboard or using the console?

Here is a link to the console.

For your embedded dashboard you would just sent them a link to your app


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The dashboards are embeded into datahub (aws data platform).

Since we use federated account once user logs in using the Datahub UI it creates a user type Quicksight and active = false.

Hi Deepak, not really.

So basically we use the Datahub platform (Dataall new version) however users are created automatically as identityType = Quicksight and Active = false, in order for us to schedule reports we would need to change those users from Active=false to Active=true so users would have the feature to send and receive reports via email.

Is there a way to change it to true? Is there an API for it?

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@Muciarone, when federating users, you mentioned that platform is creating QuickSight users with identity type “QUICKSIGHT”. When a user with QUICKSIGHT identity type is created, QuickSight is expecting that user to login and validate the account. In your use case you are federating users in QuickSight, so I would suggest to create users with “IAM” identity type when calling register-user api. Let me know if this helps in resolving your issue.

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