I have a dashboard with which I have associated a Q topic. In the console, a box to ask questions appears at the top of my dashboard. Is there a way for this box to show up when embedded as well?
If I create an embed for the dashboard, the Q topic doesn’t show up.
If I create an embed for the Q topic, then it does not show the dashboard.
Am I missing something, or do I need to embed them both separately?
In the console, a box to ask questions appears at the top of my dashboard. Is there a way for this box to show up when embedded as well? ---- Yes
If I create an embed for the dashboard, the Q topic doesn’t show up – true its as expected
If I create an embed for the Q topic, then it does not show the dashboard.-- true its as expected as well.
do I need to embed them both separately?- Yes
QuickSight supports embedding for these elements: Reference
QuickSight console (full authoring experience for registered users )
QuickSight dashboards and visuals (for registered users, anonymous users, public end users)
QuickSight Q search bar (for registered users and anonymous users)
Embedding - QuickSight Q search bar - See
Embedding Amazon Q in QuickSight - See
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