Import Assets Folder Destination

I am currently using CLI to export/import a data asset from source to target account. Does the start-asset-bundle-import-job command have a way for us to import the assets to a specific folder?

Hi @mitoo and welcome to the QuickSight community!
The start-asset-bundle-import-job command does not have the ability to import assets into specified folders.
You would have to move them in to folders after running this command by using the CreateFolder or UpdateFolder API command.

Thanks for response! Could I get more insight on how --include-folder-memberships and--include-folder-members arguments work within the start-asset-bundle-export job?

Hi @mitoo,
I’m unfamiliar with those 2 calls but you can check out API options at the attached link below. Along the left topic column, you can check out other available calls and their explanations.

Let me know if you have any other questions!