In quicksight, I had a pretty bad experience importing images, since I didn’t find a good website that could convert png to url with http.
I thought about uploading images to S3 buckets and copying their URLs into the quicksight, so I won’t have to convert pngs to URLs and all those required prograss steps. However, I was not successful in doing so.
When I try to paste the URL from the S3 bucket, I get an error saying " AccessDenied Access Denied6RFZ4MW1FENQSFYZgi5T8trMc6JIytsWCo8jobU3V5Zt5LqCsXGxBs2BGdaumFxqoEOXI+INu2ByQJMldSlu2hP/1sU="
Why is that? Is it not possible to upload URLs from S3 into Visual Content in QuickSight?
Hi @Noys - The image should be publicly accessible to access via QuickSight. Please see the details on the same below - parseDate - Amazon QuickSight.
We are also requesting QuickSight team to have a feature to put the image in S3 so that it can be visible in QuickSight, I believe it is in product roadmap.
Hi @Noys - As @Sanjeeb2022 alluded to the S3 bucket must have public access enabled for the URL to the image to work and the image to show in QuickSight.
@Sanjeeb2022 Are you suggesting a feature for QuickSight to be able to access images/videos from private buckets?
Hi @eperts - Thanks for the reply. Since AWS QuickSight is one per account, if the user have right access to S3 and the image is stored in S3, Quicksight should able to visualize it. It will be good if the image will be in a private bucket so that it can be used for many production implementation.
If you can add this as a feature request, that will be great.
@Sanjeeb2022@Experts @Sanjeeb2022@Experts Thank you so much for your replies. It could be great. another idea is that quicksight should creat Images libary for quick access and use for dashboards.
Thank you,