Hi Team
can anyone help me on like below scnerio
I need to show pie chart 5 measure values segregated in to percentage

iam using single data set
dataset like
wherehouse cost
loggistic cost
testing cost
thanks and regards
b vinod kumar
Hi, you can do this in the visual properties of the pie chart, you will need to hide the Label options and select Percent only in Metric label style.
Hope this helps!
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Hi Andres
Thanks for quick replay
I Think you have used dimension also
In my case i need to show 3 separate columns total values
like sum(logistic cost) 35%
sum(wherehouse cost) 25%
sum(testing cost) 40%
like this i need to show
Sorry, I did not understand your question to begin with, this is not possible with Pie Charts.
If you have access to write custom sql for the datasource, you can transform the columns to rows to end up in a table that you can use in the Pie Chart.
If you are not too attached to Pie Charts, maybe you can use 100% stacked bars?
Hope this helps!
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Hi @vinodkumarb,
I’m going to go ahead and mark Andres’ comment as the solution but if you have any additional questions, feel free to create a new topic for discussion.
Thank you!