Invalid request provided: The DataSetIdentifier New custom SQL used is invalid

When I try to deploy entire Quicksight Template as is - I face"may not exceed 1000000 bytes in size". I tried to split the template into smaller sheets, and get “Invalid request provided: The DataSetIdentifier New custom SQL used is invalid” (even though calculation fields is included). I’m trying to deploy this template via CDK. Any suggestions?

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Hello @patilne , welcome to the QuickSight community!

Can you breakdown what you mean by “split the template into smaller sheets”? I’m assuming you mean dividing the workload by assets but wanted to be sure.

My first recommendation here would be instead of trying to manage the SQL in the template, make it a view in your database and query that in your template.

Hi @duncan - thanks for your response. Yes by “splitting the sheets” I mean deploying each sheet from the analysis by itself for eg, landing page, etc. (currently there are 5 sheets under same analysis template). Could you explain what you mean by “make it a view in your database and query that in your template”? I have the dataset as table in RSS and importing it under “DataSetIdentifierDeclarations” in analysis template. The sheet is using the same table and multiple calculated fields in the analysis. However, I see that there is field called “InsightVisual” which is declared as “DataSetIdentifier”: “New custom SQL” even though there is no sql being defined for landing page (which is all text). I have also included “CalculatedFields” in landing page sheet to see if that field is referencing any calculated fields but I still see the same error.

Hello @patilne !

That makes me think there is an error specifically in that insight visual, most likely in a custom narrative. Does that insight visual work as expected in the analysis and dashboard views currently?

@duncan - we fixed the “DataSetIdentifier” error by replacing “New custome SQL” with the actual dataset identifier everywhere inside the “InsightVisual” attribute. However, due to the limit on number of calculations as well the template size limit, we’re unable to deploy the entire template. Splitting the template is a tedious task given the complexity of the template. Any suggestions for such cases would be much appreciated!