Is it possible to add a link like below, and on click of it, download the report directly from S3 bucket

Hello There,

Is it possible to add a link like below, and on click of it, download the report directly from S3 bucket.
I have pre-signed URL Generated but there is an expiration time of 24 hour. I have to replace the signed URL every time.
I tried with adding the signed URL in dataset also but i have to add a scheduler to refresh the data set and refresh data set every 24 hour is not required for my use case.

I would appreciate the help.

Thanks & Regards,
Sonal Jain

Hi @sonalJain,

if the link is fix you can create a visual with URL action

You can create the link outside of QS in table and use it as a field in you dashboard.

If the link is changing you need somehow update the link.


Hi @sonalJain - You can increase the expiration period of pre-signed URL to 7 days ( using CLI). However you have to update it in every 7 days. See the link below.

Regards - Sanjeeb