I have a pivot table that shows #notifications and the relative and absolute change from the previous quarter. The relative and absolute changes are implemented as calculated field:
I would like to get rid of Q1 2022. The problem is if I change the filter on dateOfNotification to include only two quarters, the difference calculations in Q2 2022 do not show any results. This is probably because Q1 is needed to calculate those values.
Is there a way to base calculations on Q1 but do not show it in the pivot table?
First, you can leverage the periodoverPeriodLastValue function in both of your calculated fields. In addition, use the difference and percent difference funtions instead of the periodOverPeriodDifference and periodOverPeriodPercentDifference functions.
I copy+pasted the new calculated fields, added them to the widget and added the filter. Q1 is not shown anymore, but the values for absolute and relative difference are wrong.
Hi @janosch, We hope Koushik’s solution worked for you. Let us know if this is resolved. And if it is, please help the community by marking his answer as a “Solution.”