Is it possible to rename a table in glue OR rename a view in Athena OR replace table used in Dataset without impacting the quicksight analysis related to the Dataset?

FYI, i created a view in Athena ex: TESTview.
i can see testview as a new table in Glue.
i created a dataset MyDATASET and use TESTview as datasource
i created an analyse MyAnalyse, now customized with dataset MyDATASET

now the goal is to keep MyAnalyse customized and i would like to replace OR rename the table TESTview used in MyDATASET
(i’m not interesting to start from scratch all the analysis already done)
I am listening to any suggestions…
Ideally, if there was an (+/- official) AWS CLI command to do this simple action!?

Hi @MDO - You can achieve this by you aws cli. If you are update the dataset definition using aws quicksight cli - See the link below

Please do a poc with sample data, if your data set columns are not changing, i believe your analysis will work with new table name.

Regards - Sanjeeb

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Thanks Sanjeeb2022 but i’m looking to rename a table from database in AWS Glue (or how to renamed a view name in AWS Athena)
I’m not looking to rename a column

Hi @MDO - You want to rename the view name in Athena? Please confirm.
See the Athena documentations for the same, i do not think rename may not be supported in athena.

However you can test it at your end. If rename is not possible, possibly you need to create the view with actual details.

Regards - Sanjeeb

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Hi @Sanjeeb2022, thanks for the link. If it’s not supported in athena, may be supported in Glue !?
in another hand, i wonder what kind of alternative exist to transfert/migrate quicksight analysis to another dataset/Athena data source ?

Hi @MDO, you can update QuickSight Analysis by repointing to a new data set. From UI, Open the analysis, click on the pen and click on (…) and replace the data set with new one but ensure that data set should have same columns like old data sets or else it will throw error in visuals. See the below screenshot

Hope this will help you.

Regards - Sanjeeb

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@Sanjeeb2022 , i just did a POC and that works! those crazy (pen + …) make my day and you too as well :slight_smile:
…I wonder what the AWS CLI equivalent would be!

Hi @MDO - Yes, you can try the update analysis see the link - update_analysis - Boto3 1.26.121 documentation

Note: You have to get the data set arn before hand and the update the analysis. I never tried it but it will work, do a poc for the same.

If your problem is resolved, can you please mark the suggestion as solution so that it can help other community members.

Regards - Sanjeeb

@Sanjeeb2022, yes I did! I check the box solution above on the post where you shared screenshot, does it okay ?, it’s my first time in the community, i just created my account to share my issue

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Thanks @MDO , Yes you correctly marked the solution and thank you for that. AWS QuickSight Community is a great platform where you can share and learn from others… There is a monthly Q &A session in next 15 mins, see the link - Th Apr 27: Monthly Live Q&A Series for Amazon QuickSight, with Expert Solution Architects | Fourth Thursday of the month | 12 Noon PST… If possible join the session, so many great minds will answer quick tips live.

Regards - Sanjeeb

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