Is it possible to show a different field as data label in a bar chart?


I’m seeking to add Data Label to my bar chart based on a different field. Is it possible?
Here’s the example,
in the bar chart, the X-axis is the “category type”, the colors are grouped by sub category volume. But I also have the Rate of each sub category. The Rate is the label I want to show in the chart.

A similar question is:
in this bar chart, the blue trend is the Rate, however, I also want to show the red trend, which is the Rate from the same weeks in previous year.

Hi @danddong ,
do i get it right. You only want the label but not the line for the rate field in the bar chart?

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Hi @ErikG , yes for the first example. I only need the data label for the rate, but showing grouping colors by the volumes as it is.
But for the second example, I do not need any data label, but want to show the trend lines of current year and previous year. The trend lines will have to come from two different fields I suppose, one is the rates for WK36 - WK41 in Year 2022, and another one is the rates for WK36 - WK41 in Year 2023. but for now, I’m only able to add one line.

Hello @danddong, in regards to displaying certain data labels, I believe you can accomplish what you are looking for. You can uncheck the box for Bars in the Data labels tab of the Format visual section and check the box for Lines. That way your Rate trend line will display labels.

Here is what that section would look like:

As for your 2nd issue, you should be able to add multiple lines to the Stacked bar combo chart visual. I am thinking the visual might be unable to display both of the lines you want since they are technically on a different date field (this year and last year) so it doesn’t understand how to display them.

I am thinking if you add another column into your SQL when you ingest the data to include the rate from that time last year on the same row as your values from this year that it may be able to display both lines on the same visual.

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